samedi 9 janvier 2010


This document focuses our attention on the real tyranny of the aesthetic ideal.
Today, the beauty must be slender and obedient. In fact, first of all, the beauty of the woman is characterized by a slim appearance, and by a big  breasts. This picture shows us the stereotype of the attractive woman in office.
In our time, most people would like to hide their body and their face through makeup, aesthetic surgery, tattoos and percings. In the end, nothing is pure. In conclusion, beauty fascinates and concerns a lot of people.
Prisoners of this consumer society, a lot of people lead a fierce fight against wrinkles, overweight and other little defects. Minds are manipulated. Medias create a woman or man picture, and, some people identify with retouched photographs of supermodels. There is even, according to articles, a profound addiction to the beauty from childhood!
Then, there are also people who exaggerate the stereotyped part. In fact, because of  this “ideal” of beauty many people use medicine and surgery which is often the cause of total disfigurement. Some of them become real caricatures: bimbos. These persons live in a superficial world and very extreme too. They become slaves of “beauty”, but here, it’s no beauty, it’s an industry beauty, so just big business.
So, today, beauty is only luxury, therefore only money. Beauty becomes a real trade, besides as the title says: THE BEAUTY AT ANY PRICE.

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